Wednesday 21 September 2011

First thoughts about the brief. How are you coping with the modelling technique?

My first thoughts about the brief resulted in thinking that modelling my head would be a complicated and difficult process. However, the video tutorials break the process down into, at the outset, manageable and relatively easy stages to follow and understand.
Initially, the process follows the following stages within photoshop:
taking photographs.

Removing lens distortion to flatten the image.

Use straightening tool to Straighten photo.

Control A, Control C, Control V to paste the image onto its own layer.
Under image canvas size shift photo 200% to the right.

 Control A, Control C, Control V to paste the side image onto this layer to merge the images.

Sizing lining up key features of the face with photo showing the use of free transform mode and rulers.

Prepared photo for use on reference plate

Identifying key areas of the face with respect to polygons around the face.
Drawing-in topology.

How are you coping with the modelling technique?
The modelling technique of drawing-in the topology I have found relatively easy to achieve. Whether the topology is correctly drawn remains to be seen, as this stage has a real impact on the modelling to be carried out within 3DS Max.

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